
About Teams

Students should form their own teams (as described above). Discussion via issue tickets in the (course-private) project repo of the course organisation is a good way to go about proposing topics, and from there finding and forming a team.

Once formed, and to have a team repository created, please open a new issue requesting ‘New Team Repository for …’ listing your team member named in alphabetical order of netids. We need both the netids (as those identify you uniquely at U of I) and the GitHub id (to add all team members here on GitHub with the GitHub ids). The repositories will be private to the team members.

We will allow single-person teams. But as stated, one of the goal of the project work is to learn how to work as a team and with the tools supporting this (e.g., git) which you cannot do as well working alone. So consider working in a team of three, four, … to take advantage of what a group can accomplish.


Once created, your team repository is your place of reference. Use the repository. Commit code and documentation as you make progress.

Request a new GitHub project with the project team members as an issue ticket (or via the homework questions). Use the repository. Commit code and documentation as you make progress.